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CAMP Nanotech XLC Crampons Review

CAMP Nanotech XLC Crampons
CAMP Nanotech XLC Crampons

CAMP Aluminum Nanotech XLC Crampons are super-lightweight, 12 point, step-in crampons that reduce the level of effort required to hike in full crampons. Weighing 16.2 ounces per pair, including optional ABS plates, they weigh just a few more ounces than Kahtoola Microspikes (12.5 ounces), making them they are ideal for hiking on packed snow and icy routes where you want the control and edging capabilities of a step-in crampon without the weight of steel.

CAMP Nanotech XLC Crampons


Lightweight and Sharp

CAMP Aluminum Nanotech XLC Crampons are super-lighweight, 12 point, step-in crampons that reduce the level of effort required to hike in full crampons. Weighing 16.2 ounces per pair, including optional ABS plates, they weigh just a few more ounces than Kahtoola Microspikes (12.5 ounces), making them they are ideal for hiking on packed snow and icy routes where you want the control and edging capabilities of a crampon without the weight of steel. They're available with automatic and semi-automatic bindings to fit a wide range of winter footwear.

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For example, I own a pair of Black Diamond Sabertooth Pros which are steel crampons designed for hard-core mixed routes (rock and ice) and vertical ice climbing that weigh 40.6 ounces per pair, including ABS plates. They’re great for that purpose, but take a lot more energy to hike in for any duration, and require that I carry something like microspikes to save energy on long approach hikes up high peaks (like Mt Washington.)

Of course, there is a big difference in durability between steel crampons and aluminum crampons, which can wear down very quickly if you try to use them in the same range of conditions as a steel crampon. Aluminum points can still be sharpened like steel points using a Mill Bastard File if you want to extend their lifetime out a few seasons, but aluminum is more brittle than steel so you need to take some care not to file the points to thin. That said, your points don’t need to be that sharp for walking on more horizontal snow or ice because your body weight will drive the points into the surface with plenty of force to get a good multi-point grip.

Wear and Tear on Aluminum Points
Wear and Tear on Aluminum Points

Hybrid Aluminum and Steel Points

One of the nice things about the Nanotech XLC is that it is a hybrid crampon with steel points in front for kicking into ice-covered rock and aluminum spikes underneath to save weight. This adds a bit more durability to the crampon particularly for ice-covered scrambling when you need forcefully kick in higher angle ice. For example, I had to downclimb a 20 foot drop this past weekend over some flash ice on a 7o% grade with a full pack. I kicked in my front points and used my ice axe in dagger mode for balance, climbing down the face just as I would have with steel crampons.

Steel Points are riveted to the Front of the Crampon
Steel Points are riveted and spot welded to the Front of the Crampon

The front steel points are riveted and spot welded to the aluminum frame, as shown above. I’m not sure how this will bode in terms of durability, but I haven’t noticed any performance difference after a half-season of use. CAMP claims that the steel points are made with a steel alloy that is 60% stronger than regular steel allowing for a significant reduction in the amount of metal used, thereby decreasing weight while maintaining strength.

Overall, I’m very pleased with these crampons because they can be used on most peaks I climb in winter and obviate the need for me to carry microspikes in addition to a pair of step-in crampons on long approach hikes. Given that weight reduction (which is close to 2 pounds), that’s a durability trade-off I’m willing to make, although I expect I’ll be able to make it through a full winter season without having to sharpen the Nanotechs at their current rate of wear.

Disclosure: Section Hiker (Philip Werner) bought this product using his own funds.

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  1. Like stoves, backpacks and sleeping bags, you can save a fair bit of weight if you have the “just right for the job” piece of gear.

    If you need or want something that handles many situations you might be a little heavier sometimes

    • Too true – but one could also argue that heavier steel crampons are mostly overkill for what we need in the Whites, unless you’re climbing ice or walking around above treeline a lot.

  2. Phillip,
    I’m guessing these are not suitable for trail sneakers?
    Marty Cooperman

  3. I the camp stalker universal crampons on flexible keen insulated boots and they have worked fine. I am trying to reduce weight though and 98% of the time I wear hillsound trail crampon ultras. I am not going to do any ice climbing but I can’t always find recent trail reviews in the winter or I am worried and I often carry the stalkers at 32 ounces and never use them (along with snow shoes and everything else). This winter though I was glad I had them descending Greeley pond trail on Osceola and from the hut to Madison. Just the slope of the ice on some of the rocks on Madison has me on my toes, that and the lack of spikes on the back of my heal makes me uncomfortable in microspikes in those situation. I was thinking of aluminum crampons for the times I bring them just incase. I realize aluminum wears faster and that is ok but I am well over 250 lbs with a backpack and have been told by others on the trail that aluminum front points would likely bend or even break if too much weight is put on them. I liked the idea of the Petzl irvis hybrid but with a boot size of 13 they are too small. I am sure the steal front points wear less, do you have a sense if they are less likely to bend? Or any other recommendations? They do sell the heal strap to make these universal. Thanks great site which I have learned so much from.

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